Friday, June 22, 2012

Spring skiing: Mt. Cheam and Mt. Baker

After our big victory, we gave a few interviews, waited for the stragglers to come in, collected our winnings, then binge-drank RedBull until we had happy feet.  This last part took all of 10 minutes and then we passed out.  Ricky's stupor lasted for a full day.  Not to worry - this is how races often end for him

Back in Abbotsford on Monday, we stared out at the rain and pondered what to do next with our lives...  

Rain makes the river brown


and so we loaded up some boats and headed for the Chilliwack River with Jazmyne and Ian.  Our film crew posted at Tamihi and I expect a 'sick edit' of our run any day now.  We went to Peggi's for donairs, drove back to the farm, traded boats for bikes, and shredded Mt. Sumas until the wee hours.  

Then I crushed Jon and Ricky at Settler's.

Getting crushed.

On Tuesday, Abbotsford was socked in.  We thought we might be able to get above it and decided to ski Mt. Cheam.  Low down, we encountered a tree across the road and had to build a new road around it.

When you get to the end of the road, get out a shovel.

Above that, the fully-capable Tercel tackled water bars like a champ and we drove right to the snow line.  An hour and a half later, we were at the saddle between Mt. Cheam and Lady Peak, still entirely in the clouds and not going anywhere.  

Look!  Mt. Cheam

We waited for a while, but eventually turned around and skied back to the car.

On Wednesday, we woke up and saw this

'Blueing!  Blue On!'  Mt. Baker

and decided an attempt on Baker was in order.  In the car by 6, boot packing from the trailhead by 7:30.  It stayed full bluebird all morning and we made swift progress.  Late in the morning, we were on the Roman Wall, a few hundred meters from the top.  

On to the Roman Wall

Once on the ridge, the snow turned to ice and it was blowing gale-force.  Sketch ball.  We turned it around, for the second day in a row, but got a fantastic ski all the way down.  

Ricky, shredding it

Three full days of fun.

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